Mission Statement - “To help children learn values with fun, to delight like the moon and shine like the sun.”

What is Bala Vihar?

In Bala Vihar, the rich cultural heritage of India, including moral values, are taught to children and youth at different levels, using the medium of stories, drama, arts, crafts and discussion. Children are also taught popular Bhajans and Shlokas. 

In promoting and teaching the universal philosophy of Oneness (Advaita Vedanta), children are made to understand that although Hinduism may appear to have many Gods, the Truth (God) is the one ultimate Reality, and thus it is one God appearing as many forms.

Chinmaya Bala Vihar Curriculum includes various devotional, philosophical & ethical texts and topics, focusing in the early years on developing love for God, in the elementary years on learning & practicing value based living, and in the teenage years on understanding spirituality and fundamental Vedantic principles. The syllabus covers topics and texts from Hinduism's Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas. It is child-friendly and taught on age-appropriate levels.


  • Instill in our children and youth a reverence for ancient culture and to inspire them to live up to it with correct understanding.

  • Create self-confidence so that they are able to serve others.

  • Generate personal discipline, dynamic leadership, and true affection in all their contacts.

  • Develop a healthy resistance against temptations in the environment in which they grow.


Dhruva: Kindergarten

Text Book: Alphabet Safari
Simple values like aspiration, brotherhood, cleanliness, etc. are taught through animal stories and coloring. Through simple hands-on activities and demonstrations, children learn that just because something is not seen does mean it is not there! Hence, the need to fix our mind.
Shlokas: Invocation, Daily Prayers, Sankatanasana Ganesa Stotram, Ganesha Pancha Ratnam
Sevaks: Tejal Chande, Neeharika Muniraju

Prahalada: Grades 1 and 2

Text Book: Sri Hanuman, The Super Superman
The metaphor for the text is, "Have a backbone like a ruler and rule the word." Learn from Hanumanji the values like courage, strength, fearlessness, alertness, eloquence, etc., as they are the vitamins that make our mental backbone strong; thus, develop a majestic personality like Hanumanji. Children also learn through discipline that they can earn merits in the world by studying Hanuman Chalisa and following its teachings.
Shlokas: Invocation, Daily Prayers, Hanuman Chalisa

Sevak: Neha Kale

Nachiketa: Grades 3 and 4

Text Book: Bala Bhagavatam
Through the stories of different avatars of Lord Sri Vishnu, children learn to own up to their own actions, learn to ask for only what they need, and not necessarily what they desire.
Shlokas: Guru Stotram, Achyutashtakam, Madhurashtakam, Shree Ganga Stotram

Sevak: Dhanya Limaye

Aruni: Grades 5 and 6

Text Book: P.O Box Mr God, India the Sacred Land

P.O. Box Mr. God has been developed from Sri Ramacaritamanasa, composed by Tulsidas, and have the theme of "God, who is Omnipresent, where do I find Him in the world, what are His addresses?" As the topic is taught, children understand that each one of us is His address and we can find Him within us, if we learn how to live out life full of love and kindness to all.

Why is Bharat (India) sacred ? India provides us with a rich history and culture with so much to be proud of. India has offered so much to this world, and in this class, as children begin to get exposed to the history of the United States in their schools, they can also begin to appreciate the rich history of Bharat. What more can we ask for than for our children to develop a pride in what Bharat has offered and continues to offer the world.
Shlokas: Rama Stotram, Guru Paduka Stotram, Shree Ganga Stotram

Sevak: Sendhil Revuluri

Shri Rama: Grades 7 and 8

Text Book: Yato Dharmah, Tato Jayah
The main theme, as the title Yato Dharmah, Tato Jayah suggests, is to teach children that where there is Dharma, there is victory in life; one must follow Dharma. The text dives deep into teaching what is Dharma, how to live by Dharma, along with the story of Mahabharatam and a comparative analysis of the main characters and their Dharma in the epic.
Shlokas:  Lingashtakam, Tapovana Shatkam, Shree Ganga Stotram, Bhagvad Gita Dhyana Shlokas

Sevak: Meera Mahenthiran

Chinmaya: Grades 9-12

Text Book: Gita For Me

Bhagavad Gita discussion at the level of high school children. The essence of Bhagavad Gita is provided through interactive discussion of the teachings and how they can be applied to achieve both a successful and a peaceful life. A number of classroom activities are conducted to help the children reflect on their choices in everyday situations they face today in high school, and challenges they anticipate in college life away from their families.

High school students are encouraged to volunteer in community and social service activities with the goal of preparing today’s youth to be responsible and successful adults of tomorrow.
Shlokas:  Taittriya Upanishad, Bhagvad Gita Dhyana Shlokas

Sevak: Shri Dhiren Khatri, Ashwin Prabhu